How To Improve Self-Esteem For More Happiness

How to Improve Self-Esteem For More Happiness

How To Improve Self-Esteem For More Happiness- self-esteem is essential when endeavoring our goals in the Happiness Challenge Plan

How we feel about ourselves is the cornerstone of our happiness and success. We tend to project our feelings to others whether the feelings are positive or negative. When we feel good about and accept ourselves, others sense it and respond positively.

If we do not respect ourselves, others are less likely to be respectful to us. Learning to feel good about ourselves makes us happier, more approachable, and more tolerant, among other things. Improve your self-esteem with these tips and watch your life change for the better.

Self ConfidenceSome Rules To Help You Get Started in How to Improve Your Self-Esteem for More Happiness…

First a question: Are You Living Your Best Life, and You Need a Happiness Challenge

Plan for and expect success. Lasting changes do not usually just happen out of the blue. Like any journey or trip, you need to plan for it and make sure you have everything needed to reach your destination.

Identify and describe the end result you want to achieve – how you will feel and act differently. Make a list of things that make you feel good about yourself and how to work more of those into your life throughout the day.

Silence negative self-talk. Your inner voice may tell you that you are worthless, not good enough, or cannot do something. Those thoughts are like thieves knocking on your door. If you invite them in and entertain them, they will lie to you and steal your self-esteem.

When you have a negative thought, force it out by saying no aloud. Picture yourself pushing the thought away. Refocus and replace the thought with a positive thought or mantra.

Acknowledge and accept your good:   You can learn from all aspects, but you must accept your qualities and abilities. Begin each day by looking in the mirror and stating three things you like about yourself. If it is hard to come up with these on your own, recall compliments received from others.

Friends’ compliments allow you to see more personal, deeper qualities. A stranger’s compliments allow you to see the good aspects that stand out most. Use these throughout the day as needed to replace negative self-talk or get a quick dose of confidence.

Finish what you start: Completing tasks boosts your self-image. They give you a sense of accomplishment and pride. When you feel like giving up, tell yourself things that encourage you to keep going.

Use one or more of these phrases to get started: “I can do this.” “I’m not going to let this beat me.” “I did this before and I can do it again.”

Throw perfectionism out the window: Nothing is or can be perfect. Focus on doing the best you can under the given circumstances. Set realistic standards, expectations, and goals for yourself.

Unrealistically high standards and unobtainable goals pave the way for “failure”, low self-esteem, and constant disappointment in yourself and others. Keep things real and doable.

Look for the good: Seeing the good within can be difficult at times. It is often easier to see it in others. Several times a day, look at the people around you. Identify one or more things you like or admire about that person.

For example, you see someone open a door for a person who has an arm full of packages. That was a thoughtful act. Have you ever done that? If so, that means you are thoughtful, too. Add it to your list of things you like about yourself.

Secretly try something new: You may tend to avoid trying new things if you are afraid of failing. However, the beauty of trying something new is that no one gets things exactly right the first time. Because so many people never make it to that point, your simple act of trying automatically makes you a success.

To build on that initial success, avoid self-imposed and outside pressures. Keep the details private until you feel comfortable sharing your new skill or experience.

Celebrate your uniqueness: Refrain from comparing yourself to others. Others might seem to have everything together, but if you saw the whole picture, you would realize that they do not. You have gone through and overcome things that others could not. Write down 30 or more words and short phrases that identify the characteristics that helped you make it this far. Each day, choose a characteristic to celebrate. Look for a similar characteristic in others and compliment them on what you see. This boosts your self-esteem as you come to understand that people see these same things in you.

Learn where to flock: Birds of a feather flock together. To boost your self-esteem and keep it healthy, surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Stay focused with positive self-talk and actions. Encourage others to see and share the positive aspect of things. Limit your contact with naysayers and above all, ask for assistance when things begin to get difficult rather than after things have totally fallen apart. Positive attitudes and good self-esteem are contagious. Spread them around.

Change your mind: It can be very easy to fall back into old habits. The key is to change your mindset. Pull out your self-esteem-boosting tool kit of ideas and activities. Start out with the tools you need and start changing your mind. Use the tools until you regain your healthy self-esteem. The more you practice, the quicker you can turn things around and the more automatic it becomes.

More steps to feel better about yourself…

Life Chats Negative Thoughts

Thoughts To Ignore and Wash From Your Mind

Comparing Yourself: Do not compare yourself to another human. That will take away your legitimacy. You are capable, creative, and strong. You cannot progress if you compare your talents to any other person.

Giving up: There is no giving up in the process of improving your self-esteem. If you fail, that is a lesson learned, and one you probably needed. Just let it go, and improve the next steps as you can.

Don’t need help: Do not think that you never need the help of another soul. You do, you will and that person may be just the person who can enlighten you. Their help and actions may fit perfectly to help you know that you have everything within you to become greater at whey you do.

No dwelling on the past: Not forgetting the past can hinder you in your present. The past cannot be undone, you must forget, forgive, and move forward.

Do not question if you can do this: Do not let your mind wander into thoughts of “can I” improve how I feel about myself. Sure you can and you are the only one who can. It takes strong determination and a positive attitude to beat negative thoughts, but you can do it.

If you start working on these small changes to your mental state of mind, your thoughts, and your negative opinions then in no time you will see improvement in your life and your happiness level.

“I” believe in you…”You” must believe in yourself.

Linda Signature

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