13 Self-Motivation Tips

13 Self-Motivation Tips

13 Self-Motivation Tips To Start Your Day Successfully…

post updated 10-12-24

In today’s world, we know that it takes effort and desire to use Self Motivation Tips to get started. It is often hard to keep motivated every day of the year. However, if there is no motivation in our life-we become motionless. Self-motivation is the built-in desire, drive, and push to keep moving toward our goals, dreams, and determinations. To become whatever, whomever, or get the desired results, one must be self-motivated from within.

We admit that it is especially hard to keep ourselves motivated when we experience a hard knockdown. When the unknown occurs, it can make getting up in the morning a hard task. It would be easy to pull the cover-up over our heads and go back to sleep.  However, that does not cure anything other than prolonging and puts us in a state of procrastination.

Why Does It Look Easier For Some Than Others?

The question often asked is; what makes it easy for some people to jump out of bed like it is the best day of their life every day? Answer – their mindset is on the good stuff.  They also know that worrying about the bad things they have no authority over, will take their motivation away. To be successful, one must be motivated.

Staying motivated is just like most things in life that require focus and a mindset. Our thought process controls our experiences. We have more capabilities than we will ever use according to Dr. Peter Shepard’s book, “Transforming the Mind.” Understanding the possibilities of the mind will help you to then understand how we influence the way we feel through our thoughts.

Motivation From Within is Essential for Life in 13 Self-Motivation Tips

Motivation must come from within, however, if we are around other people who are always in a good mood and motivated, it will rub off on us. Think about whom you keep company with most of the time. If they are always negative, try being the motivator, but always remember there are some rules.

The rules of life are that you cannot force another to become motivated. But if your actions are positive, the other person who is somehow in a negative mode, may see the light of day and know that actions bring results. Good or bad.

These Are Helpful Tips For Becoming More Self-Motivated

Here are some helpful tips and known processes that can keep you focused and motivated when it is not easy:

  1. Always be thankful – If you stop to think about your life, more than likely you have tons of reasons to offer up thanksgiving. This alone will help make it easier to jump to the floor any morning.
  2. Focusing on the great things in your life that have made you prevail over your opposition will help define who you are. We all have to deal with the hard stuff and it cannot take you down. What takes you down is dwelling on it.
  3. Forgiveness is like a dose of medicine. With every unfavorable deed someone inflicts upon us, we learn more about trust. We learn in the mix of words, when to keep our mouths shut, and that even our friends sometimes lose their way.  There are no celestial people here, we are all human, and humans err.
  4. Love what you do. When you love your job, your self-employment, or your profession, you will be more efficient and find new processes to clear the dust.
  5. Fear is blinding. You cannot live in fear of what tomorrow holds. Focusing on today’s events will keep your motivation at a higher level.
  6. Accept the challenges in life. This is how we grow, become more resilient, and stronger.
  7. Know who you are. This one is on the list of being ‘emotionally intelligent.’ If you are lacking a quality that you need to be a better person, get help with Life Coaching, if you cannot do it yourself. However, the key is being honest with yourself and recognizing your faults.
  8. Be the real person you want other people to see. If you are a fraud, it will eventually show up, come out, and become the person that you do not want others to know.
  9. See the good in others while examining who you are. Give credit to any person who deserves it.
  10. You have heard all of your life that keeping a positive mindset is what makes life easier. If you do not believe it by now, you are missing one of the most important aspects of living a more positive lifestyle. Thinking negatively can make you sick. It can make you think that everyone around you is having fun and you are not. A pessimist sees the bad, questions the good, and even the known benefits or attributions of something that works well.

A positive thinker believes that they have a life to live and it is up to them to explore all the possibilities. They reach out for the good; examine the bad, but move on with an attitude of “I can.”

  1. Do not let the sun go down upon your wrath. If you have done it wrong, own it. Apologize, do it over if possible, but keep moving in a more positive direction.
  2. Never say never. We have all heard the cliches about the aforementioned. If you harp on something or someone and his or her behaviors, you will wind up doing exactly what you have denied. Learning to watch yourself and correct your ways, will go down in history, your history.
  3. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Always, and is very similar to the number 12. What goes around will come around. Most people agree with this well-known cliché.

To motivate others, we must first be motivated ourselves. This is part of leadership and a known positive approach to getting hired for that role we so desire.

A Good Read-How To Motivate Yourself


“If you do not desire to be more, have more, help more, live more, you won’t. Begin each day believing that you were put on this earth to accomplish important and great things. Those things can only be done by you.”

“To earn respect, one must be respectful of others. If you want to earn loyalty, one must be loyal to others. To earn appreciation, one must appreciate. When highly thought of, one has to earn the right to be highly appraised, while knowing that it is not a right at all.”

Do not forget to be positive, and get yourself motivated.

Positive Mindset-Monday Motivation

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