How To Conquer Internal Conflict

How To Conquer Internal Conflict

How To Conquer Internal Conflict

As we go into this subject, we should address the difference between Internal Conflict vs External Conflict. Why? External conflict can cause an individual to have internal conflict. Example: is external forces can inflict a person who feels intimidated to withdraw from being their usual self and feel inadequate.

The Differences Between Internal Conflict and External Conflict In Everyday Life

Let’s explore how internal conflict and external conflict manifest in everyday life:

  1. Internal Conflict:
    • Definition: Internal conflict occurs within an individual’s mind, emotions, or thoughts. It involves personal struggles, dilemmas, and competing desires.
    • Examples:
      • Career Choices: Imagine someone torn between pursuing a stable job with financial security and following their passion, which may be riskier but more fulfilling.
      • Relationships: A person grappling with feelings of love and loyalty toward their partner while also experiencing attraction to someone else.
      • Self-Identity: Individuals dealing with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or conflicting aspects of their identity (e.g., cultural, religious, etc.).
    • Impact: Internal conflicts can lead to stress, anxiety, and decision-making challenges. Resolving them often requires introspection and self-awareness.
  2. External Conflict:
    • Definition: External conflict arises from interactions with the external world, other people, or circumstances beyond one’s control.
    • Examples:
      • Disagreements: Arguments with family members, friends, or colleagues over differing opinions or values.
      • Workplace Challenges: Dealing with a demanding boss, office politics, or tight deadlines.
      • Health Issues: Coping with illness, accidents, or unexpected life events.
    • Impact: External conflicts can cause stress, frustration, and sometimes even physical harm. They often require problem-solving skills and adaptability.

Both internal and external conflicts shape our experiences and growth. Our internal conflicts influence our thoughts and emotions, and external conflicts test our resilience and ability to navigate the world around us.

Now, Here Are 5 Ways to Address Internal Conflict

If inner conflict is holding you back then it is time to address it and make new plans for your life. When we struggle with inner conflict, it is a battle between our emotions and thoughts as suggested above. If a situation doesn’t turn out how we expected, it can release feelings of anger, stress, fear, and frustration.

There are many different types of inner conflict. You may know you need to end a relationship, but you keep talking yourself out of it. After stepping on the scales you know you need to adopt a healthier diet. However, eating the foods you love is the only thing that gives you pleasure right now.

Whatever the inner conflict is, it could be holding you back from a happy, healthy life. Discover 5 ways to address inner conflicts to be happier and more fulfilled.

If your internal conflict is caused by an outside force/external conflict-you must evaluate the source. Consider what is ethical, justified, and fair, and make apologies if you have made a mistake. Get back to your ground roots of being the person you are meant to be. We all make mistakes and they are just part of life.

1st and Foremost Identify and confront inner conflicts.

You’re going to find it hard to address your inner conflict if you aren’t fully aware of it. However, identifying and being aware of inner conflict isn’t always easy. After all, it is much easier to ignore confrontation and the things that make us uncomfortable.

The trouble is, when you ignore your inner conflicts, they simply get worse over time. So, start by writing down what you want and the things that are holding you back.

Then, delve into your inner conflict and try and understand where it comes from. For example, is it coming from a place of fear or comfort? Often, we stay stuck in routines because it is our mind’s way of protecting us.

2. Balance your rationale and emotions.

To address inner conflict, you need to be able to balance rationale and emotion. If you tend to focus more on your emotional needs and desires, your rational thinking will be compromised. Similarly, if you were to focus only on being rational, your emotional needs would suffer. To make the best choices, learn how to balance reasons and emotions.

3. Avoid making rash decisions

When you are going through an emotional time, be sure not to make any rash decisions. Think about what is best for you, without forgetting about the impact your decision will have on others.

It’s easy to make rash decisions when you are dealing with inner conflict. However, staying calm, and thinking things through is going to lead to the best decisions.

4. Think about what you want

What is it that you want? Often our inner conflict comes from not doing the things we desire. If you are trying to please everyone else, you are only going to end up feeling miserable. So, if you feel like you aren’t being true to yourself, take a step back. Think about what you truly want and then focus your energy on that.

5. Practice prayer or mediation-which of these suites you

Finally, for some people prayer is always sufficient to get a handle on the promises of our Lord. Prayer can remind you to release all of your fears, frustrations, and inadequate feelings into the hands of the God who made man.

For others, meditation can be a great way to address inner conflict. It gives you the peace and mental clarity to reflect on your life and the things you need to change. It may take a while to get used to it, but you’ll find great beginner videos online to help.


There are battles in life or it would not be life. That is just the simple truth. However, with dedicated practice, these are some ways to address inner conflict.

If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, dealing with your inner critic is essential for living A Good Life.

Additional Reading: Types of Internal Conflict

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