How to Believe In Yourself

How to Believe In Yourself

How to Believe In Yourself – if you don’t, no one else will…post updated 5-21-23

Believing in yourself is often the hardest project of your day if you are not getting any results for your hard work. However, the old cliché- if you do not believe in yourself, no one else will. There is so much truth in that. If you do not see the results in your mind, feel it in your heart, and happily get up each day to work on what you believe in, it will not happen.

You know that don’t you? So you just might as well believe in yourself without being told to.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

black and brown eyeglasses on book on brown wooden tableWith that said, if you do not believe in yourself, your dreams, goals, and hopes will end with a pencil. That means when we write down our goals, and dreams, or make that business plan, without believing in ourselves, it is then over before it starts. We must put into action the written words, or it will end in our minds only.

Some time ago when watching Fox Channel:  The Five, it came up that Denzel Washington was in a play on Broadway and it was about success, dreams, and goals for young people. It goes along with the fact that having dreams without goals, and actions, amounts to nothing. In other words, you can sit and dream up a storm-however, the goals must be evident also, and the action must follow.

It is often hard to start a goal when there is no one to encourage you, but this is when the motivation must come from within your being. It must be strong enough to endure, persevere, stop, and start over, if necessary, but keep ongoing.  Actually, no one else can give you all the motivation you need to do something unusual. Without that inside spark of desire, drive, force, and action, your desires will never materialize.

Life Can Be Stressful At Times

man covering face with both hands while sitting on benchLife today is stressful with many setbacks along the way. Those setbacks, sometimes called ‘mistakes’ can often get us off balance. A person can then begin to say to themselves; “I do not know if there is a reason to keep at it.” It is all about believing in yourself, and your own ability to accomplish anything.

It is often about taking a break, slowing down, and letting your mind take a rest. You can then go back, pick up where you left off, and begin again.

Making Dreams A Reality

purple tulips in white ceramic mugThis is the way it must be when working to accomplish our dreams that we turn into goals, and then make them a reality:  Accomplish what you have set out to do…It is Important to Set Goals

  • You cannot always depend on someone else to encourage you. Everyone thinks differently and they may not be as interested in your success as they are in their own. It is possible, that they do not understand what you are trying to accomplish. *do not mean to be harsh.
  • Encourage yourself by looking at the people who have endured the process you are going through and have made it happen.
  • Tell yourself, you can make it too.
  • Finding a mentor, who is trying to accomplish something similar, is the way to go.
  • Most of the time, you can take advice, and put it into action, but you may possibly have to adjust it to make it work for you. The same exact plan might not work for everyone.
  • It is always important to remember that anyone can teach you something you may not know. Be willing to listen. You only learn when you listen.
  • Keep being humble, keep being productive, keep smiling, and keep on working.
  • Work to achieve!


Sounds somewhat simple, just reading it, right? It may not be that simple, in fact, it isn’t. However, most things in life that we desire are worth the courage, strength, and ability to keep at it until we master it, one way or the other. Even in the face of discouragement.

If you get to the end of your goal without any bumps, it would not be worth the accomplishment, let alone that feel-good feeling.

Believing in yourself and your ability does not necessarily make it happen. However, it is the first step, and when you go to work on creating your dreams, they will flow to a positive point.

There must be actions, plans, re-routing, decisions, self-evaluation, and sometimes gaining needed education for what we may need to improve our abilities.

You must do it without thought of the task, just keep doing it. Keep at it until you are there.

Keep plugging, keep pushing, and keep a positive mindset, and you will make it!!

Additional Read- Believe in Yourself-And Why It Is Important


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