How To Build Your Strengths While Improving Weaknesses

How To Build Your Strengths While Improving Weaknesses

Exploring How To Build Your Strengths While Improving Weaknesses yes you have strengths…

Living and working in the public today you can vouch for the facts of life that insinuate all humans have strengths and weaknesses. No one is alone in these circumstances. However, yes, you can learn how to build your strengths while improving your weaknesses.

Since everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, it is wise to know your own and how they affect you professionally, and just as a normal human. Everything we do affects our life one way or the other. The key to success is to focus on your strengths and work on your weaknesses. There are many ways to build your strengths and manage your weaknesses, but realizing what needs changing is of primary importance.

We should not try to change our personality traits (unless needed), because we don’t like them. Instead, we should focus on improving our skillsets, the strengths we have worked hard to gain, and managing our weaknesses by acknowledging them first.

Most of the time you get nothing accomplished by having the attitude that no one is perfect. As we are stating here, they aren’t, but you cannot grow if you do not have the desire to go higher.

When you have high-quality strengths in work, relationships, and all of your life, it is okay to acknowledge them. More than likely you have worked hard to gain the strengths you now have.

Having Confidence In Your Strengths is Important in How To Build Your Strengths while Working on Weaknesses

We often have a tendency to dwell on our weaknesses and sometimes become afraid that we cannot improve them. But the truth is that by focusing to improve our weaknesses, we then improve our strengths. Some things cannot be fixed, or mended, however, there are solutions to most things. First one must have confidence in what they have learned.

It is important to recognize your strengths and be confident in those abilities. As stated you probably did not gain your strengths without some hard work. We acknowledge that being too confident is never the game plan. Nevertheless, it will help you to improve your weaknesses by examining what or how you have improved your strengths.

You must have confidence in what you do well, and continue to look at what might need improvement. That is how you keep making your strengths even greater.

What To Remember While Making a Visit To Your Weaknesses

There is nothing here to be ashamed of. If you had no weaknesses, you would be perfect and for the sake of just saying it, no one is perfect.

How to explore those little annoyances that you have chosen to avoid and name them one by one. Do any of these apply to you?

  1. Procrastination – many people want to wait until the last minute to get things done, fix something, study something, and believe in something. Waiting until the last minute can cause dire emergencies. If you dread doing something it is always best to do that particular thing first.
  2. Tackling something new scares me to death- This one will get you every time but remember you must start something before you know how good you are or how much you will need to improve.
  3. My verbal communication is weak and I am afraid to voice my opinion- everyone has an opinion. It does not have to be the same as another person and someone just might learn something important from yours. Learning to speak up is important and sometimes this can be done by just acknowledging or saying: “I am not the pro here, but this is my opinion.” Make a joke out of it…but just give something you feel is valuable.
  4. Perfection gets in my way. If this is the case you will never get as far as you wish at improving whatever is needed. Too much focus on perfection will deny you to finish your task timely or at all, and sometimes with mistakes due to the focus.
  5. Criticism is something that I can’t take…you cannot improve your life if you cannot take constructive criticism. This is how you change what is not working. If another person can voice something that is true to the situation, you should focus on changing what is hindering your progress.

These are only some of the things which hinder our progress in life. However, it is important to view whatever is keeping you from growing, and improving. You should keep focusing on being better, not perfect.

Mastering Life Changes Are a Part of Your Strength Building

Everything we do has changed at some point. From the time we are born to the time we die, change is necessary. When we become adults, we change how we view life, we decide what is most important, and how to achieve our goals. Or, at least that is how it should be for a good life. Change is inevitable, and more importantly, life changes regardless of how you feel about it.

Changes in life can make you happy, sad, regretful, or just plain old scared. Change can improve what is wrong, and show you what needs correction.

Building Your Strengths For More Empowerment On The Job

Since strengths are unique to each person, it is important not to compare your strengths (nor your weaknesses) to others. Just keep building on your strengths and try to focus on improving and growing what your strengths are. For example, it is common sense to be aware that there may be someone who is relatively better at some things than you. Not dwelling on any particular person, however, realizing that improvement is always necessary.

  1. You have sufficient education (STRENGTH), but some of your learned skills may have changed. (SOLUTION): Take a course, go online, and find your answers to those important changes.
  2. You are good at details of your current job and know how to perform it. (STRENGTH) However, some knowledge about the company you work for is lacking. (SOLUTION): It is time to find the details, from those who have been at the company longer than you, the library of the company, online sources, etc. Know the company’s origination, how they have gained profitability, its goals, its pattern of service, and how they want to be known. *Actually the latter is something that one should do prior to an interview, if possible. It might help you land the job.
  3. You love teamwork and your skills stand out (STRENGTH), however, you are not the best at communicating with fellow workers. (SOLUTION): Take a communication skills course. A good focus is knowing how “emotional intelligence” can enhance your projects and your ability for communicating well with those around you.

These are only minimal examples, as you and only you know what your capabilities are and what you are lacking. Study how you perform, how you communicate with others, and how you promote other people’s skills, and make sure you do. *If you cannot accept that…

It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could alone. – Andrew Carnegie

EndNote: Never let anyone, especially yourself tell you that you are lacking in strengths of life, work, parenting, or family. We are ALL GOOD at something. Respecting yourself and your achievements is not being self-centered. It is acknowledging that you have preferences in your life that are important to you, and are unique to you.

Never sacrifice three things: Your family, your heart, or your dignity.

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