Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace updated 10-15-2023

If you think you are ‘Emotionally Intelligent,’ let someone criticize you for something you have done and then you will know for sure.  When you can’t take criticism and grow by it; this is when you will recognize there is more work to be done within your own personal EI.

What is “Emotional Intelligence” that is being talked about more and more in the workplace, especially within leadership capacity?

If you have worked within the human resources department in just about any company you understand these words totally. The company is opting for a profitable bottom line, you have EI on the list of qualifications for new employees, especially in the leadership capacity.

So, What is Emotional Intelligence?

Here are definitions…which are similar…

  • They are usually successful in most things they try to do. This individual is that person everyone wants to work with because they are positive and easy to work with. They are understanding and have empathy for others.
  • The EI individual recognizes when others have emotional needs and they have the ability to listen without making judgments.
  • They are caring and considerate, not too easily offended, and can master criticism themselves.  It is this person who can take the criticism and use it in their favor for the betterment of themselves.
  • They do not get angry in stressful situations and have the ability to remain calm and make the appropriate decisions when and where needed.
  • It seems that people who possess high emotional intelligence know themselves extremely well. They know how to control themselves first, and do not try to control others. High standards are set for themselves first. They look for that common goal, and not exclusively for their own satisfaction.
  • These individuals have the ability to control their emotions and impulses. If they feel something like jealousy or anger; they control it. Their decisions are not made on impulse or a decision that might cost them.
  • They have the ability to “think” before they act or react to situations out of control. Some psychologists say that these people are self-regulated. Their thoughtfulness, and promotion of others stand out. They possess integrity, while also having the ability to say no.
  • Emotional intelligent people are usually very motivated individuals. They do not look at just the moment but at the long-term goal. These individuals are very productive, enjoy a challenge, and are very effective in what they do.

Just How Important Is It?

It has been classified as being as essential as normal IQ. In fact, studies have shown that a manager or employee, who has emotional intelligence (EI) is paramount to the company.

Why? Their ability to make sound decisions in a highly stressful situation. They may often be capable of conquering something that those with ordinary high IQ or technical skills might not. Decision-making is based upon the ability to see the effect of a decision down the road, not just temporary.

It is becoming more important for companies to base their hiring qualifications at least secondly on EI. Not just exclusively on technical skills.

Social Skills Are Also Relevant

Social skills are another attribute of EI. This means that these individuals are usually easy to work with, in a team. They are for the entire team, not just what will benefit them individually, and they do not care who gets the credit.

These individuals also employ the ability to cope with change, stressful situations, and negative emotions in others. They possess the ability to properly relate to any task that is before them.

Just because someone has technical skills does not mean they can or will be able to handle a short-term crisis. Their decision could affect the company in a major sense, including public relations and losing customers.

It is proven that highly ‘emotionally intelligent’ people are more effective managers. They have a highly positive outlook and create more productive results. Meaning, they are better at producing a greater bottom line.

Emotionally Intelligent Individuals in Actions

Emotional intelligence (EI) is needed for most of life. It weeds out some of that extra unnecessary baggage we take around with us when we are not thinking with our best brain. This skill can actually save you regrets of speaking out to someone before you consider what might be going on with that person.

When a person is knowledgeable of their own emotions, and other people’s emotions, they are more understanding of issues. They try to understand different behaviors, feelings, actions, expressions, and conversations, they are living the EI life.

Different Lifestyles, Different Actions, and Reactions

Our social environment has different people from all lifestyles, and all of those relationships are important to living a balanced life with as little chaos as possible.

Example Of EI

Have you ever been at a meeting at work with co-workers, a family gathering, or friends when there was a person who caught everyone’s attention? Did you stop and gaze yourself, and listen to the context of what was being said?

You talk to them at some point, and wonder why not me? Why can I not engage in this kind of conversation, and get people’s attention? If we are honest and have been in the workforce for a long period of time…we probably have. I have, and I learned something important always.

Good questions and there is more…

Did you notice the actions, smiles, kindness, and gestures of that person? Why did this person stand out?

They were friendly to everyone and seemed to be the master of being able to connect with everyone. Were they aggressively trying to stand out? No, it was simply normal, easy, and natural.

Connecting by being in the present, listening to what is being said to them, and offering conversation back. That conversation is thoughtful, adequate, and knowledgeable, and it makes for great relationships.

Confidence Is Common In Emotional Intelligence

They seemed to be the most comfortable person in the room. These people are confident, courteous, polite, and knowledgeable, and talking to everyone is a breeze. They listened, looked people in the eye, and were not interested in moving on until the conversation ended.

This is emotional intelligence at work and it is definitely what most of us need in our daily lives.

Teaching Children About EI

Should we teach our children about the art of listening? It would seem a wise decision. They can learn early and care about what other people’s opinions are, and be aware that we learn by listening.

Children can have better social relations as well and it can help them to have better success with interpersonal relationships. The sooner they learn, the better communication skills they will master. It is one of the most sought-after human traits in many aspects of life and business.

Summing Up

I simply have loved learning so much about management in the workplace, and in everyday life. If we are equipped with all of the benefits of knowing ourselves, our emotions, and how to manage them, the better person we will become. Also, remember you must get your confidence level to the top…not over…but to the top.

I hope you can benefit from this post.

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