Money and Prestige Do Not Indicate a Good Life

Money and Prestige Do Not Indicate a Good Life

Money and Prestige Do Not Indicate a Good Life…life has many facets and each contributes to what makes up a good life…

Money and prestige are often considered the ultimate markers of a successful life. However, this belief fails to capture the true essence of what constitutes a good life. Money does not have to be evil, however, if wealth, fame, and prestige are all that make you happy…something is out of focus.

A fulfilling existence has a deeper meaning, and it is important to know how money and prestige fall short in measuring personal happiness and overall well-being. We begin by challenging conventional notions and discovering the true ingredients of a prosperous and meaningful life.

Why do People Pursue Greater Wealth and Fame-yet never have enough?

Some individuals are driven to pursue greater wealth and fame as they want to be known for their wealth. They want others to look at them as someone having greater accomplishments than most. This is often called greed. They believe that this brings with it power.

Then some individuals want to be rich because they believe it will bring them happiness and peace of mind. They are convinced that accumulating more wealth and achieving higher status will provide them with a sense of security and satisfaction.

Society often glorifies wealth and fame, and many people are influenced by societal expectations and the desire for social validation. Consequently, the pursuit of wealth and fame becomes a priority for some individuals, outweighing the importance of maintaining a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

When this is overly obsessed with one’s life, it can become an abnormal influence on a person’s overall life, and what truly matters in life.

The Limitations of Money and Prestige

Money and prestige have their limitations when it comes to a fulfilled life. While they may bring temporary happiness and status, they often fail to provide true meaning and contentment.

A person fixated on wealth and fame may miss out on the deeper aspects of life that truly matter, such as love, relationships, personal growth, and inner fulfillment. True happiness and a good life cannot be solely measured by material possessions or external validation.

This can also dictate a misconnection between one’s values and principles. No, this is not always something that an individual seeks. However, when the need or grab for wealth and power takes over, it can be a deteriorating factor in one’s life.

What Makes Up A Good Life In Our World Today

A good life in our world today is made up of various components.

  • Firstly, emotional well-being and mental health play a crucial role in overall happiness and contentment. If you lose your mental stability, your life will deteriorate if not treated by professionals.
  • Cultivating meaningful relationships and social connections is another essential aspect, as these connections provide support and fulfillment.
  • Pursuing personal growth and following our passions brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Many people tend to think they are ticking like the clock, on time, with no delay, and without falter. Yet, most of us humans have flaws that need a little work, here and there.
  • Contributing to the community and society helps us find deeper meaning beyond personal achievements. Giving ourselves to others be it family, friends, or neighbors is a human kindness that gains friends and can make you a hero.

As we read the news lately, we know that there have been many people who have achieved wealth, fame, and social status. However, their lives have ended most inappropriately. Their wealth did not help their mental health, their happiness, or their peacefulness.

How To Create a Balance In Life- For A Good Life

This is a struggle for many people. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as different people have different definitions and preferences for what a good life means to them. Everyone’s lifestyle is different and needs a different analysis.

A good life involves a balance between various domains such as relationships, personal well-being, and meaningful pursuits. Prioritizing money or prestige over these domains can lead to dissatisfaction or imbalance.

Here are some general principles that can help create a balance in your life:

These are some simple steps that may help you create a balance in your life, but ultimately, you are the best judge of what works for you. Experiment with different strategies and see what makes you feel happy, fulfilled, and balanced.

Remember that balance is not a fixed state, but a dynamic process that requires constant adjustment and adaptation.2


There are no humans who have gone through life without needing to re-evaluate their life at some point. Wealth and status can elevate your life to a point that makes you feel accomplished. However, it is not the most important or conclusive design for complete happiness or joy, nor will it give you a sense of peaceful living.

The most peaceful experiences in life are sometimes those things that are of minute meaning to some people. Those include being loved, and loving others, family, friends, and living a well-thought-out life.

However, these little things are actually “big” things that bring joy and are the most significant and fulfilling. Very often these little things have nothing to do with wealth.

**See the first article of this series on  What Is a Good Life 

References: Wikihow.com12 Psychology Today 2 3Windy Hirsch.com4

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