Your Best Life Is Real Life

Your Best Life Is Real Life

Cake broken scaled

Your Best Life Is Real Life, or you may be forgetting something important…

You must remember that life can be like baking a cake…you must always make sure you are checking to see if all of the preliminary preparations have been met.

Real Life And Living It

Real-life can be kind of like baking a cake, one must make sure they have buttered and floured the pan. If we do not flour the pan with the right amount of flour over the oil, the cake can fall apart into several pieces, or in half.

Most of us know the feeling we suddenly have when we forgot to flour the pan. Life with a quality of life also means there is preparation and thought that will lead to a life worth living.

“Life can fall apart like the cake and often does. We feel broken and afraid.  Sometimes what we did or did not do, had nothing to do with it. Often it does, and we wish we had taken more thought and preparation.”

It is too late for the cake, once the pan is tilted and transferred to the wax paper or cake plate. It was a part of the necessary preparation that can’t be ignored.

In our life, it is never too late until the end of our life.  I am a firm believer that everyone can pick up the pieces and begin again. You can smile again, believe again, and live again.  You can make more effort to groom your life with positives, good solutions, and sound decisions.

Some Life Thoughts About Living Your Best Life

For all practical purposes, one’s life must be prepared with the same concepts as the cake. For our life to be desirable, and a life of quality, we must live in reality, take life seriously and live with great balance and harmony.

The reality is that life is not something we can play with, or take for granted, and we must limit our expectations for that reality. It is as simple as keeping in harmony with the balance of mind, body, and soul. There are rules of human existence that are essential to living a life of quality.

When a person gets out of balance, it is then that major problems arise. If you have ever watched someone destroy their life by not playing by the rules, then you understand this concept.

All humans should begin to weigh their decisions in early life and try to plan a future that is grounded in making the right choices. By listening to the heart, and following what is known as being consistent with authenticity. If you are not living your life consciously, it can fall apart simply because enough attention is not placed upon it.

The Quality of Life is a Personal Responsibility

No one can make decisions for us nor will they suffer the consequences of our decision and mistakes. A person can argue that you do not learn without mistakes. True, but a lot of individuals have more mistakes than triumphs because they were not paying adequate attention to their choices.

Some Ideas That Help Lead to Live a Life Of Quality

  • Start by observing how you are living your life. Are you living your life cautiously, with thought, with purpose, or hazardously? Have you considered a life lived with purpose? Are you just making do? Do you sincerely want to make your life worthwhile?
  • When the heart says not to do something, it is usually wise to take the listen, obey, and be strong enough to stand alone if necessary.
  • Positive speech and mind thought will bring good results. Negative mind thoughts and speech will bring negative results.
  • The reality is that you do not always get what you want. But, if you make wrong decisions you will get what you do not want.
  • The reality of life is that you will make many mistakes as you are human. However, if you have not learned anything and keep making the same mistakes, you might be considered- unteachable.
  • Letting your conscious be your guide is as simple as: if it is halfway wrong, it is all the way wrong, pay close attention.
  • Your choices make up your life lessons. No one else can be blamed, not parents, not your spouse, not your friends, not anyone but the individual.
  • Thinking things through is simply applying this: morally right, no one is disadvantaged, financially, mentally, and physically.
  • Accept that not any two people’s lives are alike. You become who you are by your decisions, preparation, wisdom, and living. It is up to the individual to prepare themselves for a future that is successful and bright, not one soul gets there by chance.

How Real Do You Want To Be?

Everyone needs to have a vision, optimism, awareness, emotional intelligence, focus, and integrity are all a part of living with quality.

Just as the above factors play a part in the real life that is lived to the fullest, these are additional factors that can lead a person in the opposite direction:

  • Thinking about self only
  • Worry *especially the small stuff that does not matter
  • Dependence on others
  • Insufficient self-esteem, remember you are a miracle, you have value. Find it, ameliorate it.
  • Trying to be someone you are not or like your friend, neighbor or sibling will make you falter. You are you, and your life means something.
  • Taking little time for mediation, prayer, or self-cleansing.
  • Not knowing what happiness really is about, and knowing it is not about wealth or fame.
  • Wanting more of everything, instead of being thankful for what one has deserves its own paragraph.

Believe it or not, sometimes the more ‘things’ a person has the more they want.  This enhances the need to broaden your collection of things while finding less happiness and fulfillment. Simply because living life with quality and happiness has nothing to do with material things or real life.

One Must Seek To Know The Life Things That Matter

Without a clear view of what really matters in life, it can be easy to miss the important steps to living your best life. It does not matter if you do not have everything that everyone else does. What matters most is who you are on the inside and if you are striving to be all you can be.

Taking time to know that you can only live one day at a time is crucial Not anyone can live tomorrow because it actually never comes, right? Today is the day you have to make it the best day of your life.

Life Quotes to sum this up…

Life Quotes…….

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”  — Albert Einstein

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  –Maria Robinson

“Experience is the name that everyone gives to their mistakes.”  Oscar Wilde

 “If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”  –Win Borden

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”  –Ralph Waldo Enerson

“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”  — Flora Whittemore

“No one has all the secrets to living life as it should be lived. Nor has anyone lived their entire life the way it should or, could have been. But, more importantly, the ones who are seeking to live life the best they can feel less regret and fear when it is about to end.”  —  Life Chats About Life Things Author

Updated 6-3-22

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