Transform Fear To Experience Joy

Transform Fear To Experience Joy

When Your Life is Filled With Fear…it is time to start and transform fear to experience joy…post updated 12-18-23

“Anything that is built on fear is like it is built on sand.”

In our world today, it is extremely important to release and transform fear! When there is so much fear around us, you may ask yourself what is the importance of this and how do I accomplish this?

The importance of changing fear into trust changes the way we see our lives and how we live them.

When we live in fear we react out of fear and everything becomes limited. The shallow, tight feeling of fear affects the way we breathe and even our immune systems. When our immune systems are depleted we invite physical challenges.

Our limited thoughts color the way we imagine our lives. For example, do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Those thoughts draw to us exactly what we are most afraid of so that is why this work is so important. The first step to transforming our fears is to identify them.

Identifying Your Fears Will Help In Your Effort to Transform Fear To Experience Joy

Begin doing this by intuitively checking into your life like you would swing a pendulum. If you swing into a part of your life and feel resistance, you most likely decide out of fear. When you then again try to swing into the same situation and the swing makes your heart feel open, there is trust.

If you find a place where fear is a foundation, you need to let that go, because anything that is built on fear is like it is built on sand.* It really won’t stand firm in the newness. You must be willing to change the fearfulness into trust and limitlessness.

Embrace Your Fears

One way to begin transforming your fears is to sit quietly, visualize that fear, and bring it close to you. Whether this is a belief in your relationships, career, or health, remember it is part of you and is like an old friend.


A good way to release that fear is to sit quietly and imagine yourself by the waterfall. Close your eyes and listen to the waterfall. The sounds are magic, and you have no fear. The repetitive nature of the waterfall can induce a form of relaxation, the release of fear, and then relaxation. This, in turn, releases anxiety and deep relaxation and is of benefit to your mind, body, and soul.

Why Is The Sound of The Waterfall Significant

Sounds of water flowing to the human brain have non-threatening vibes and bring quietness to the mind. Use this energy to exchange your fear patterns. This is their greatest gift for you and to you.

This will help you to exchange your fear patterns with peacefulness and surrender. You don’t need to give your fear patterns to the waterfall, but you can bring the fear patterns to them for exchange: release them into the sea and leave them with joyfulness, limitlessness, and fearlessness. The waterfalls fear no one or anything, they are in control.

You have probably worn old fear from who knows when and how, and it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you no longer wear the fear because it is like old clothes that no longer fit you. If they were never yours, they don’t belong to you and don’t suit you.

Letting Go Is a necessity to Transform Fear to Experience Joy

silhouette of man during sunset

Let go of things that no longer suit you until you are more and more free and clear to play in the wind and the sand and the sun until you are freer inside yourselves to just be who you are.

“You cannot keep fear tucked away somewhere and find joy. It will nudge itself to your remembrance unless you “let it go.” This is to transform fear to experience joy.

Be not afraid, of those who have filled you with limited fearful thoughts that are around you in your everyday life. As you know, you can always go out and find fear whenever you ask. If you ask around long enough, you will find an answer that is filled with fear, and then you will not take your next step.

Remember, Without Fear, Everything is Available to You

and you can live your best life yet….

Stay firm in your commitment to joyfulness, and you will see things change around you that have never changed before this. You will see as you begin experiencing the end of old beliefs, the resolution of old conflicts, and the tearing down of old structures. Then you will see where there is any foundation of fear they will be replaced in the essence of the new.

“As you change within yourself, you will help to change your world. Continue to clear and love yourself, and you will feel the depth of your world shift.”

When you find yourself with the feeling of ultimate resistance or fear, bless that polarity. That is given to you so you can work upon something inside yourself that can be changed and shifted to your outer world.

A Bridge Of Light

suspension bridge with teal lights during nighttime

Take that fear, that polarity, those relationships, and place it (them) on a Bridge of Light. You can do this with any part of your life to receive support where there is a resolution needed.

Remember joy is your choice-choose it!

Reference * Anything built on fear is like it is built on sand…Matthew 7: 24-27

More Reading- How to Overcome Your Worst Fears

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