The Lighthouse On The Hill-Song and Scripture

The Lighthouse on The Hill-Song and Scripture

The Lighthouse On The Hill-Song and Scripture post updated 12-11-2023

If you have read many of my posts, you already know that I often start with a few questions. Why you might add, and what is your purpose? Today, the purpose is to see if you have seen The Lighthouse on the Hill.

As we begin…

Have you ever been in one of those life storms where you felt like your hands were tied behind you, and there was no way out? Were you ever in the valley, and all you could see in front of you were holes of water with no crossing?

Probably so, most of us have at some point. After a while when we look up, there is a far-off light that is gleaming through the clouds, and at first, you cannot tell if it is another star or what it is. Then all of sudden you feel this quiet spring of relief and peace, and then you know that it is the light of Jesus shining through to give you a new beginning.

There is nothing more profound or wonderful than to see God’s spirit shining though to give us the light for the next step we need to take.

Jesus is The Lighthouse…cast all your cares on him, for he careth for you…he will not leave you or forsake you

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12


The song entitled “The Lighthouse,” you have probably heard many times. It confirms when you are to rock-bottom there is a man who can shine the light to help you see whatever it is you need.

The Lighthouse on the Hillside has saved many who thought there was no way to be saved. It is often hard for some to comprehend the magnitude of God, his mercy, and his grace. “Some may question, how do you trust someone you cannot see?”

However, for those of us, who understand how great his mercy is; we know we must remember…He was bruised for our iniquities, crucified, died, and rose again to save us, not let us be destroyed.

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” Philippians 3:10

“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

When you get to the lowest state in your life, hold on, as the scripture above states…” cast your cares upon him, for he careth for you like no other.” He will take you by the hand shine his light of mercy upon you, and lead you to a solid foundation.

Within ourselves alone, there is no way to deserve his grace…

No one can measure up to the grace and love that Jesus has for the people for whom he died. I can wish you well, I can pray for you, and I can praise you for your goodness, however, I cannot save your soul.

There is nothing I can say, that will make you whole, and I cannot give you the peace that you crave within, however: I KNOW A MAN WHO CAN!

The gift that I am trying to pass on today is simple. The Lord God is your lighthouse on the hill that is looking out for you and your soul. He is watching when you are walking in the wrong direction, and up ahead he has a turn that will lead you home.

In conclusion…

No one can make your life what it needs to be for peace or to enjoy life, and live a life that will give you eternal life. If you think that someone other than a Divine Savior can heal your broken heart, dry your tears, and make you want to live…they cannot, I cannot. However, there is one who can, and his name is Jesus.

I trust you feel peace and love while listening to this video with the song That of Love, of a Sovereign Savior.

The Lighthouse On The Hillside
The Lighthouse On The Hill-Song and Scripture


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