Stress Management Techniques

It would be easy to say that most humans at one time or the other have needed to make special assignments for themselves to feel less stressed. Most have needed to step back, sit down, breathe, read, and practice some useful Stress Management Techniques. If you are reading this, you are more than likely shaking your head, yes. Be honest, and keep reading, this will give you some ideas to assist you now and in the future.

Life changes help us to better assess ourselves but are often difficult…

While few things are more certain in life than change, this does not necessarily make dealing with change any easier. Change is one of the frequent causes of stress-related issues. Change within one’s life can be a mountain of questions and without many answers. Stress often comes from different directions, without a moment’s notice. When there are multiple darts directed toward you; this is when you need stress management techniques the most. It is at times like these that we often have a greater opportunity to assess our life to see where we actually stand on the important issues of life.

No upfront notice…

Life is always turning pages, and when you can see something coming (if you do), you can usually deal with it somewhat more effectively. Life is change, no argument with that, some of it is spectacular and makes us smile. However, those changes which make life feel as if life is falling apart give one the need to explore stress management techniques, to get through it easier.

The feel of feeling out of control…

One of the worst parts of change in any form is the feel of feeling out of control. That often leads to feeling helpless, and one starts to worry about their stability. All of the emotions which follow life changes are less than pleasant, hard to manage one at a time, and the mind starts getting all murky and concentration dims.

What are the worst causes of stress…

When a person gets their life too full of something that feels unmanageable, it can cause them to stress out. The list can look something like this:

  • Relationship problems without sufficient answers
  • Children’s issues that are not easy to resolve
  • Work relationships that you cannot change
  • When there is not sufficient work-family balance
  • Money issues that need to be resolved
  • Death of a child, family, or friend
  • Divorce
  • Work overload
  • Loss of a job

The list could feel up the page and more. Our main focus here is trying to find management techniques to help you try to master the stress that you are encountering. Read-How Stress Can Affect You 

Let’s get to some of the stress management techniques that work…

Stress Management Techniques

  • Let yourself feel the sense of loss, grief, hurt, anger, pain, or other emotions that the life change brings on. It may be a costly mistake in terms of your emotional and even physical health if you stifle your feelings. Nor do you need to tell yourself you “should not” be feeling the things you do. Go ahead and let yourself experience the emotions, and do not judge yourself.
  • Do not wallow in those negative emotions. While honestly experiencing those feelings is healthy, dwelling on them for a long time (years, perhaps) and allowing them to make you bitter and angry is not optimal. If you need to, seek professional help in letting those feelings go after experiencing them.
  • Some people keep a journal on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It helps to write down what is going on, and how you are feeling about it. Spend time ready a good book you have always wanted to read.
  • Spend time with friends that you may have neglected.
  • Go for a long walk in nature and see the beauty that God has created.
  • Start working in something that you love doing or believe that you have a talent for. This can help you get through emotional difficulties. It can allow you to concentrate without thinking about the subject that brings sad or emotional feelings.
  • Be creative with activities that can help you “feel.” Such as the emotions to write, draw, paint, or sculpt; then these feelings become reality and transformed into something tangible.
  • Try to see life change in a positive light. Go ahead and embrace the change rather than trying to hide or run from it. Accept it, and you may find a sense of freedom.
  • It is much easier to let yourself just mourn the loss, the unjustified behavior, or the betrayal. However, it is only in realizing that you are not the problem, but you must be the solution that gets you on your feet to regain your strength of character.
  • It is okay to say “no” to some activities so that you can get some extra rest. Excessive sleeping can be a sign of serious depression, but getting some extra rest during a time of upheaval and change may actually be healthy and help you cope better. One should note that staying in bed too much, and withdrawing from life is not the cure. It is not the best way to meet the challenge of severe life changes. One must face the issue with courage and determination that things will get back to normal with time.
  • Remember that you cannot change another; however, you can change how you look at the human, or situation that has caused the change.
  • You should remember that your identity, your goals, desires, and attitude, are important to focus on during times of change. They are like your anchors. A life change may actually bring on a reassessment of these things, and that can be healthy, too.
  • Maybe you need to face some fears and anxieties you have about change in general. Now is the time to do it.

Things to Avoid

It is also worth noting some not-so-healthy ways of coping with life changes and the stress that may bring. Some destructive coping strategies to avoid include:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Spending money on things you do not really need
  • Gambling
  • Overeating
  • Starving yourself
  • Procrastination

With these tactics in mind, you can help yourself become more tolerant of the change and willing to learn from it. You will feel less challenged by it and know that when the next change comes, you will already be stronger. The disruption will be less because you are ready to face the changes life brings. Stay calm, think positive, know that you are strong, you are worthy of being your best self.

Note: Always consult your doctor if you are having stress symptoms that are affecting your life, work, or family.

2 thoughts on “Stress Management Techniques”

  1. Never wallow in negative emotions. Great words to read! A positive reminder to have when life veers off into a different direction than intended!

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