Make Your Dreams A Reality

Make Your Dreams A Reality

Make Your Dreams A Reality- only you can make it happen, and you CAN do it!

Once upon a time, I had a dream. I dreamt that a fairy would come and bring me flowers and a new dress. Then I dreamt that I was the smartest kid on the block, only to find out that Jessie thought he was too, and he was.

Jessie studied all the time, started making things, and cared less about playing games. He loved learning and understanding how things work. You know things like; it takes about 27 days for the moon to orbit the Earth, and return to its starting position.

I woke up from my dreams one day and decided to work on the important stuff and learn something I did not know. Then I made a pie from Mama’s recipe, and it was so good.

Are You Saving Your Dreams In Your Dream Book?

Was this first synopsis something like you?

We start dreaming at an early age. Children often believe in fantasy and go to sleep at night thinking about their dreams. At maturity, one has learned that dreams cannot come true if there are no plans, goals, or work to make them a reality.

The facts are that if there is no action, you may be writing your life’s story with fiction, instead of making your life more real, satisfying, and beautiful.

So You Actually Want To Play Ball

There is a big difference between having dreams and making them a reality. You can dream all of your life of something profound. Making them a reality is a different stance.

If you dreamt as a child to be a pitcher or hit the high ball; at some point, you or your family need to buy yourself a bat and glove. If you never buy a bat and try to hit the ball, you will not have a home run.

Acting Upon Those Dreams Is Necessary

“If you do not act upon your dreams, you have lent yourself an undue justice.”

The fact is that you cannot get to the reality of what you can do without starting. Now is the time to shake yourself, slap your face, get a drink of water, and wake up. If you have been trying to reach your dreams, at least one of them without doing a little work or making some sacrifices, you are lending yourself an injustice.

Evidence states that effort is necessary to get out of your comfort zone. If you are waiting to feel the comfort of your project before you even get started, you may never start. Begin by setting your goals, and move forward by reaching them one at a time. 

What is Holding You Back?

  1. Decide what is holding you back and do whatever it takes to change your thoughts, habits, and what you need to feel more confident about your goals.
  2. If it is fear remember this quote: “Fear is what you can’t see; Faith is what you can’t see, take your faithless fear and you have fearless Faith.”
  3. Faith will get you through. Without it, you will stand still and do nothing.
  4. Know beyond any doubt what it is that makes this dream so important to you. It must be important to you. It must be something that drives you and will keep driving you.
  5. You must know that you have within you the determination to press forward even when the chances look slim.
  6. Compromise is often necessary.
  7. Accepting failure as lessons learned is necessary.
  8. Positive re-assessments will help correct what might be wrong and needs more focus.
  9. Aligning yourself with the present while having a vision of the long-term results will keep your life more manageable.
  10. Always remember that you are unique, smart, creative, and have all of the potential you will ever need. Use it!     

“Most successful people and those people who have big plans are aware that you get nothing for nothing.”

We know that dreaming alone doesn’t work for goals or a final result; simply because if you’re only dreaming your final results will only be your dreams. 

Let Me Help You Start The Process – Live Your Dreams -Just Do It!

There are methods established that can help you make your dreams come true. Think, search, look, and repeat until you find your balance.

If you need a place to start something, anything, start where you are right now, this minute. Just do it!

Start what, maybe your question, and the answer is one, that only you can give. A hint might be what you have wanted or dreamed about all of your life. However, you have put it off for one reason or the other, made excuses, and then grumbled that your desires have never come true.

Do You Need Encouragement – Just Do It!

Do you need encouragement from someone, anyone, I am giving you the encouragement right now? You can do it, you can be whatever your desire is, and you can apply your knowledge to make it happen. Just do it!

If you are having doubts, close your eyes and simply say, I can do this and I will let myself focus on exactly what I need to do. 

Have you wanted to make your dreams come true, and you have read every book that has told you exactly how to do it, and still are asking questions, stop. Just do it! You must figure it out!

If you cannot seem to find the ultimate power to press forward and want to be more reassured, realize that you will never feel complete until you do it. Just do it!

Forget About Seeking Approval – Dare To Be Yourself– Just Do It!

While you may be seeking approval from someone else, you may not get it from your friends, family, or foes. It will often be a stranger who has found your hard work to be astonishing. Approve of yourself. Just do it!

Other people cannot tell you how to make your dreams a reality in all aspects. However, they can either tell you how they or someone else did it, but not how you can do it. You must just do it!

Do You Need More Education- Just Do It!

You think lacking the proper education may limit you from this thing you want to do. I am sure that you know that no one can get this for you. Just do it!

If you are lacking the skills to write a book, search online, read, study, have faith, and pray. Just do it!

Excuses Should Be Eliminated

Excuses are not acceptable when you have dreamed it all your life and with desire, courage, and faith, and the write additional education…you need to – Just do it!

How To Make Time For Your Dreams – Just Do It!

You have a fear that your regular activity and your job are too heavy, and you cannot do all of it. It is time to put aside the least important non-productive habits and follow your dreams. Make the time and just do it!

While reading is a good habit, educational, and can be a productive asset, it could be blocking your process. If you are spending too much of your day reading about how everyone else has made their dreams realized, it is time to read less and begin.

If You Are Waiting for the Bells to Start Ringing…forget it… Just do it!

If you want to be enlightened, informed, aware, reasonable, liberal, educated, sophisticated, refined, cultivated, open-minded, knowledgeable, literate, and broad-minded.

This means that you know what it takes to succeed therefore, – Just do it!

If You Are Wanting To Impress Above and Beyond…

Let us just say if you are seeking success over and above what someone else has had, you are wasting precious time. You are being foolish, impaired, too competitive, and certainly not enlightened. Just do it!

If you want to make a statement in your life, leave it to nature. Make sure it is because you have done something right. Never let it occur to prove your monetary value, or show foolish pride. Just do it!

Stop Worrying About Criticism…

Oh, I see you are worried about criticism. Please forget about what others think, except your audience, or customers. Criticism is what people do when they are doing nothing for themselves, and what difference does it make? Not any because if you are doing all the things which are right and just from your heart and soul. It just does not matter. Just do it!

So You Have Failed…everybody fails at something….

If you have failed too many times to count, remember that you only know about your failures. People fail then try again. Remember Thomas Edison, the light bulb man, how many times did he start over? Starting again is courage, shows your strength and that inner power to persevere. Just do it!

You Are Waiting For Someone To Help You…

If you desire something from another individual, step back and determine if they have what you need to give. It may not be there and if it is not you are wasting your precious time. Move on! Just do it!

Do You Need To Forgive?

Is it possible that you need to forgive someone, anyone, and this is your first step toward freedom? Neither does it matter who was right or wrong, who was in charge, or who really needs to forgive. It is only hurting you at this point and your power over this will not rise in you until you do it. Forgiveness is essential to letting go and moving on. But, you must just do it!

Everyone Is Not Going To Like You…move forward- this is a reality

If you think that everyone should like you, forget it. Not everybody is going to like you or be your best friend or even acquaintance. It is their problem, not yours. Realize this now; do not let this take you down with disappointment. Just do it!

Remember that no one is an island. Life happens to everyone. You get up in the morning, fill your day with thanksgiving, smile at someone, and let your happiness shine for what you have learned along the way.

Making Your Dreams Come To Existence Can Be A Much Simpler Process

It is actually somewhat simple, even when your heart is broken for one reason or the other.

Be good, be courageous, be strong, strive, be compassionate, be patient, be longsuffering, love, share, and lend.

You do not want to rise above the natural; you only need to rise to your God-given and full potential, and that is enough. Remember all these things, and start living the dreams that you have dreamed of all of your life. “Just do it!”

“Look within and find your inner greatness.  Be humble and always have faith. Just do it!”
As One Man Put It…

“Dreams don’t work, unless you do.”

John Maxwell

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