Feeling Peaceful In The Midst Of The Storm

Feeling Peaceful In The Midst of The Storm

Feeling Peaceful In The Midst Of The Storm – is it Possible? updated 9-28-24

When I look at God’s beauty, I am simply overwhelmed with an exuberant feeling of peace, and joy. There is nothing more beautiful than a field of beautiful flowers.  Equally beautiful is a lake surrounded by hills and trees, or two innocent little children playing in a field of wildflowers.

At those moments, I am resting in the presence of God, and His Majesty and wonders. Also, at that moment, I have just enough light for the step I am on. This is when we have peace and energy to keep on walking our path amid the storm.

When I see these beautiful images of God’s making, I question my own soul’s ability to see all living moments in the fullness of His beauty.

I then begin to question myself when I am away from these scenes. “Do I lack something I need to give me a more peaceful feeling within my storms of life when I cannot see these examples? When there are no physical fields of flowers, oceans, and pretty things that God has made, how do I get my mind to rest?

The Instant Gratification of Beautiful Things

We do know, of course, that sight gives us instant gratification and a feeling of peacefulness and pleasure. However, I think that I sometimes lack the sufficiency of just knowing that His promises are present at all moments in time.

Our thoughts should focus on those feelings, the peace, rest, and safety of knowing that He is beside us wherever we are.

We must remember that life is what it is, not every day is going to be sunshine and roses. There are trials, troubles, derision, differences, and regrets that we must overcome and somehow find a sense of peace and joy.

We should always be able to close our eyes, feel His presence, and find that sense of peace. Just as if we are looking straight at the beautiful, peaceful scenes God has given us. We must know that we have the promises of The Word. God’s word will stand, until the end of time, and my friend, that is the only thing that will stand.

Storm clouds and waves

The Bible Gives Us Reasons To Trust Jesus During The Storm

Paul has stated in Philippians 4:11

“Not that I speak in want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith be content.”

That verse does a good job of helping me to see that I am not as content within my life storms, or spiritual fullness when things are rough.  I should be, and I need to work on my soul’s ability to draw upon the promises in those times of doubt.

We must be honest with ourselves or at least be in the process of changing what is lacking so that we can help others see that no storm is too big for Jesus.

If we step back, just a little in the same scripture, in Philippians 4- 8:  We are told how to be content, how to be peaceful, live without fear, and never question if we are going to make it through the storm.

Storms can last a while, they can rough things up, cause us to fear, and lose sight of our promises.

Where Should Our Thoughts Be

We are admonished about what to dwell on, what to think about, and clearly whatever is of good report. Instead often we only see the storm that is in front of us. Hey, that is human, and storms are real to every human at some point in time. It takes a lot of prayers, reading the Word, and believing what we read.

We can make our hearts merry by looking at what is good, just, true, and lovely.  Therefore, we should remind ourselves that Jesus died on the cross to take care of all the chaos and control all of the storms. In His own time, and His own way, as he reminds us Isaiah 59:7

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”

The reassurance comes in this scripture:  Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the thought that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”


We often try to take our life outside of the moment into something further which is in deep waters that we are not fully capable of wading. The above scripture is exactly what we need now.

If you cannot see the light on the step you are on, it is unlikely to see much further. One step, one moment, one peaceful thought, and one scripture can help us to make a difference in living more peacefully when the storms are raging high.

“Storms come and go, God’s love and peace are always there.”

If you need re-assurance-just let me know…

Waiting For The Calm After The Storm

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  1. God has always comforted me through His creation in times of trails and darkness. But ultimately it is Jesus Who brings me peace when things are far from peaceful. Blessings on your Easter, Linda!

    1. Thank you, June and yes God will comfort us in trials and darkness. He gives peace beyond compare to those who trust in Him. Thanks for stopping by.

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