Determination Can Help You Reach New Heights

Determination Can Help You Reach New Heights
We are going to talk about “determination” again. Why? It is easy to get deterred in your endeavors. I have been there many times when pursuing something that I wanted and needed, yet it seemed so far away. There is nothing that can replace a determined mindset in accomplishing your goals in life.
Everyone wants to progress and attain a certain level of personal success. While stating your goals is a great start, there are supplementary characteristics that help you achieve those goals. We therefore say this again; one of the primary traits is that of determination.
What is Determination?
Being a determined person involves setting a goal and stopping at nothing to achieve it. It’s the motivating force between stating something and taking persistent action. Sure, obstacles may get in the way. However, determined individuals don’t let those small excuses prevent them from reaching their dreams.
History is filled with examples of determined people who overcame severe challenges. One of the most impactful examples is that of Mahatma Gandhi. When India was enslaved under the British Parliament, Gandhi made it his mission to promote liberation and peace for his homeland.
Facing such challenges as starvation, opposition, and jail time, Gandhi could have thrown in the towel and surrendered. However, his passion outweighed his physical limitations. He endured these harsh obstacles and finally reaped the efforts of his hard work when India gained freedom.
Throughout his life course, he did not falter from his goal. His inner determination was the fuel that ignited his journey.
Why Does Determination Impact Success?
Determination is the blueprint for success. Without it, reaching your goals may be virtually impossible. Because this characteristic plays such a vital role in reaching new heights, it’s important to learn why it impacts success and how to cultivate it.
Everyone’s journey comes with personal challenges. Some may come in the form of discouragement from outsiders while others could be circumstantial. Much like Gandhi, do we have the strength to overcome these challenges and continue to persevere?
How to Effectively Overcome Challenges
The best way to overcome challenges is to endure them. Individuals who suffer from crippling anxiety-related disorders are recommended cognitive behavioral therapy to help them overcome their fears. This service exposes the patient to their fears and forces them to sit in their anxiety.
Over time, the person will get used to managing that fear without trying to control it. By enduring their present situation, they are building their tolerance.
Overcoming challenges with the hopes of elevating your determination is similar. You have to get through the obstacles to reach the other side. This persistent spirit is achieved by not trying to control or change the situation.
Rather, this means focusing on what you can change; your actions. Develop a plan that helps you find solutions to your challenges. Once you’re able to effectively get through one obstacle, you’ll be able to get through the others.
Taking Action is the Deciding Factor
No matter the source, cultivating a determined spirit will help you dodge those challenges and endure them like a champ. This is what separates people from stating their dreams and achieving them.
Determination relies on action. You can’t reach your goals by remaining sedentary. Begin by setting a goal that you’ve always wanted to achieve. Then, slowly take the steps towards reaching that goal. By setting small, easily achievable goals every day, you are creating the building blocks of determination.
Former President Barack Obama stated
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”
Make good things happen to you by exercising determination in the face of challenges. This will help you receive the things you deserve and build a life of purpose.
Vince Lombardi said,
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”
We all have goals that we want to achieve. Whether losing 10 pounds or writing a novel, these accomplishments add value and purpose to your life.
It’s one thing to state those goals and revel in the possibilities of reaching them. However, it’s quite another to take the necessary steps towards reaching those goals. One of the factors that separate those who wish and those who do – is determination.
Determination Is Also the Ability to Endure Regardless of Challenges
A determined spirit is the ability to endure despite challenges and stop at nothing to reach personal goals. It’s fueled by passion and a personal sense of responsibility to accomplish something good.
Determined People in History
J.K. Rowland
Famously known for the best-selling Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowland seems to have it all. Successful books, movies, and a newly established amusement park dedicated to her character! What more could a person ask for?
While J.K. Rowling is sitting high now, she battled debilitating circumstances that could have broken her spirit. She faced homelessness, divorce, and depression all while trying her raise her child.
What led her to achieve this insurmountable success? Determination. She was determined to overcome these challenges and write her dream novel to change her circumstances.
Oprah Winfrey
This billion-dollar mogul was once told she was “unfit for television news.” She was fired from her reporting job and left with nothing. Did that stop her from pursuing her dreams? We all know it didn’t.
She hosted one of the most successful talk shows of our century and now holds the title of one of the only female billionaires. Without her determined spirit, who knows where she would be?
Additional Reading -Self Determination is Powerful
Major Tenets of Determination
Determination is grounded in major tenets that encompass this characteristic:
- Persistence
“When someone tells me “no,” it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.” ― Karen E. Quinones Miller
A persistent attitude is necessary for reaching success. If you leave one door closed, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities. Because of this, persistence is necessary.
- Patience
“He that can have patience can have what he will.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Good things don’t happen overnight. Because of this, developing a patient attitude is necessary. This will help you to stay focused and not get bogged down with results.
- Positive Thinking
“I have discovered in life that there are ways of getting almost anywhere you want to go if you really want to go.” ― Langston Hughes
If you want to achieve a goal, you have to understand how to overcome challenges with a positive attitude. This requires innovative thinking and a positive attitude.
- Self-sufficiency
“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. When you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change also…. but only after doing their best to make you stop. Live your truth and don’t EVER stop.” ― Steve Maraboli
Determined people don’t let the opinions of others stop them. Rather, they keep going even when they’re their only cheerleader.
Why is Determination Important?
Determination is what separates the dreamers from those who take action. It is the motivating force behind reaching success. If you have a goal, stop at nothing to achieve it. Don’t allow distractions or challenges to knock you off of your course. Rather, keep going and you will soon reap the benefits of your efforts.
Determination The Firmness of Purpose