Daily Devotional-His Mercy Endureth Forever

Daily Devotional -His Mercy Endureth Forever

Daily Devotional-His Mercy Endureth Forever

Are you bogged down and feel unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness? Do you think your transgressions are too bad, too many, and you feel you have wasted your life and there is no hope?

Let’s step back a moment and remember that His Mercy Endures Forever. When you kneel before God, the Father, and Jesus His Son, confess your sins, and believe in The Lord Jesus Christ; you shall be saved.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

The next thought is this;

“For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.”  Psalms 86-5

“For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” Psalms 100:5

“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalms 107:1

Some Thoughts on Moving Forward As a Christian

Life is not free of chaos, even when you are a Christian. There are ups and downs, some detours and it takes dedication to live through some of the trials of life. Those are just the facts. There are times you must pray to not say something that is unbecoming to one who is living like the Bible.

One example is:  There are times when you get hit with something you do not know how to handle. This is when you need to focus on learning rather than reacting, and you will make much better decisions when the hard knocks hit. You see when you simply react, your decisions are based on your emotions rather than your intellect and spirituality.

You must learn that when you respond in a mean manner to a person who does not seem to be in control; it is like matching fire with fire. In these cases, both people are likely to be burned. You can instead choose to match their fire of unkindness with the water of kindness. We all know that water puts out fire. It is up to you as to how you will respond.

How do you respond when you are challenged to be spiritual? Do you match meanness with meanness or kindness? Hate with love or hate? If you take the time to learn, think, and not react you will grow into the person the creator of the universe has called us to be. It is not always easy to do.

We can grow quite tall spiritually and eventually dwarf the demons of unkindness just by not responding in the same manner and learning how to deal with situations. The same situations will most likely repeat themselves. Once you learn how to deal with them correctly you should be able to handle them better when they come around again.

Beginning and Ending Your Day With Prayer is The Key To Peaceful Living

Prayer of the day

Dear Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ

Thank you for the today. Lord, I want to try to do everything to the best of my abilities. I have failed to recognize you as the Savior of the world, but with your grace, that is behind me. Please forgive me my sins, my mistakes and please have mercy upon me.

God, I want to go forward and grow in your grace. I also want to forget all of my past.  Lord Jesus, I want to live my life in peace, contentment, and joy. I do realize that we are not promised of tomorrow. If tomorrow comes,  I want to live it as my new birth in You and move forward in my service to you.

Father, I need your help in living like The Word of God teaches. To love my neighbor as myself, and keep your commandments.

I want to serve you in spirit and truth, without covetness, without bitterness, in meekness and with gladness.. I want to come before you with praise, and glorify you forever. Because thou are my Savior and Guide.

Let me not be ashamed of your gift to me and try to help others see the mercy that you freely give to all who seek you.

Let me treat all the obstacles in my life as challenges that you will help me endure. Let me face each day that I live with more gratitude, forsaking those things left behind.

God, please guide my thoughts, my emotions, my actions and my reactions to life. Give me more wisdom, more patience, and let me be holy as thou are holy. Let me forgive those who hurt me, so that I can be forgiven.

Help me to be an example to those around me and a shinning light of your great mercy.

Father, let me do this everyday going forward. Let me never neglect my prayers to you in the same way everyday.

Thank you Lord and Saviour for Your Mercy

Scriptures on Forgiveness

There is Nothing God Can’t Do

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