Christianity Does Not Save Us From Life Things

Christianity Does Not Save Us From Life

Christianity Does Not Save Us From Life Things -post updated 10-18-23

We all teach our children that God is love, and if we love God, and do His will, our lives will always be blessed. That is true, we are always blessed, however, real life brings difficulty even when we love others, and live a Godly life. Even when we are doing what we believe to be right. We have valleys and mountains to climb and try to overcome.
Being spiritual or a Christian does not exempt us from living in a world that is generally sinful, with unexpected occurrences, painful situations, health issues, or sudden unknown experiences.  
However, being Spiritual gives us the faith that we know we can endure what is before us.

As it is said in Psalms 24 – “ye though I walk through the valley, the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”  Additional reassurance – Isaiah 41:10, In Philippians 4:6-7“Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Being Spirituality-minded and living as a Christian gives us courage, strength, hope, forgiveness, and the perseverance to live and believe that Jesus will never fail to honor His Word. Faith that God’s Word, love, and mercy will carry us through any darkness we face.

We Live A Life That Is Unpredictable

We have sicknesses, sorrows, disappointments, failures, heartaches, trials, and circumstances in which we may not think we can survive. This is when we turn to the Lord, who will direct us to peace, and comfort our soul.

There is rest for the weary, understanding when there is actually no way to understand, and courage to keep up the good fight. What we often fail to realize is that there are obstacles in life that are not based on our love for Christ, living a Christian life, or anything to do with God.

There are several reasons.  Our life is dependent upon so many factors that we have no control over. Simply, the unforeseen accident, the storm that blows the roof off the house, or some unexpected illness of a family member. Life is unpredictable.

We also live in a world where we are all humans. Some, do not believe as we do, do not believe in the grace of God, and do not seek to please a living God.  Let us not judge, but pray for all souls, as Christ died for everyone.

We Are Sometimes Responsible For Our Sorrow, Pain, And Hard Times

Christianity does not save us from life things that hurt us, but our heart is often deceitful. Being Spiritual does not save us from being criticized, judged, broken-hearted, or keep us from pain.

We repeat again, what it does do for us is, it gives us grace, courage, and strength to move forward even in the face of difficulty.

The truth of all this is that many times we are drawn away from the Lord’s plans and by our own lust, desires, and deceitful hearts which can make life- things worse. With these life struggles, we cannot blame anyone but ourselves.

So How Do We Deal With Life Things?

It takes a dedicated prayer life, studying The Word, asking God for wisdom, and remembering our decisions will determine the outcome, good or bad. This is the part that we do have control over.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” Ephesians 6:11

Do We Ever Walk Into A Trap?

There are times when evil presents itself, we do not walk the other way, we allow it to come into our life, often thinking it will not destroy our salvation, or spiritual walk. These are the times we dabble with danger, thinking we might learn something wise.

Wisdom is that the soul is not refreshed with sin,- sin, when conceived in turn, bringeth forth death. See James 1:15

When We Walk In Our Valleys –there is nothing too hard for God...

We have to walk the valleys alone sometimes, there are times we cannot seem to reach His throne. There are times when our soul is lacking restoration, and there are times when we do not know if we can battle the storm. However, in these times we must take our burdens to the Lord. He is faithful and He is always just and forgiving, even when we do it ourselves.

We must never forget that the Lord does not withhold good to those who seek Him, those who ask forgiveness and turn their life over to a living God.  He does allow us to be chastened and the scripture is:

“For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? “Hebrews 12:6-7

However, The Word of God goes on to tell us something greater:

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”  1 Corinthians  10:13

End Note: How To Pray and Stay Alert To Keep Our Life Peaceful

What we should remember is that we are never beyond failing. Jesus’ own words for us to pray was: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (From the Lord’s prayer).

If we think we are beyond the tactics that Satan uses, we are headed for a rude awakening. When we least expect it, our life can be turned upside down, and then downside up. However, we have a redeeming Savior.

These are the words Jesus gave me today. I have neither made it nor do I believe I am exempt from failure. I have failed many times, yet I know that when I reach up to a Savior who has the greatest love ever known, He is always there waiting, welcoming, and giving me the grace to keep trying.

Just a reminder:

“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.”  1 Corinthians 10:12

However, also remember this- “He was there all the time, waiting in line, and He loves you and will take care of you in all situations when you put your trust in Him.”

Be blessed and believe


Bible Scripture (KJV)

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