“Be Still And Know That I am God”-Psalms 46

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Be Still and Know That I Am God – Psalms 46

There are times in life when the storm rages and the winds blow too hard. These times in life are when we need to find a sense of peace and hope while trying to manage, unmanageable life things. This happens to everyone. So, if you fall into this category today, let’s go to a scripture that will help you feel comforted and loved.

In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, where noise and chaos often dominate our lives, the simple command found in…can ease your mind of doubt…

Psalms 46:10 (KJV), “Be still, and know that I am God,” offers a profound invitation to step away from the fray and into the presence of the Almighty.

This verse is more than just a call to silence; it’s an invitation to trust, surrender, and find peace in the midst of whatever storm we may be facing.

The Power of Stillness

In the biblical context, stillness is not just about physical quietness. It is a deep inner calm that comes from trusting in God’s sovereignty. When God tells us to “be still,” He is urging us to cease our striving, to stop trying to control everything around us and to simply rest in His presence. This stillness allows us to recognize His power and majesty, reminding us that He is in control, not us.

In a world that often equates busyness with productivity, this command challenges us to redefine what it means to be productive.

True productivity in the eyes of God comes from a place of peace and trust in Him, not from frantic activity or anxious toil. It is in the stillness that we truly come to know God—His character, His love, and His faithfulness.

Knowing God Through Stillness

To “know” that He is God goes beyond intellectual acknowledgment; it is about experiencing His presence, understanding His heart, and trusting His plans. When we are still, we allow God to reveal Himself to us in ways that we cannot perceive amidst the noise.

It is in these quiet moments that we hear His voice more clearly, feel His guidance more strongly, and experience His peace more profoundly.

Psalms 46 speaks of God as our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. No one is greater than the One True God.

This entire chapter is a reminder that no matter the circumstances, whether natural disasters or personal crises, God is with us. The command to “be still” is not a suggestion to disengage from life’s challenges but an invitation to engage with them from a place of divine strength and assurance.

Finding Peace in the Midst of Storm

When the world around us seems to be falling apart, when fears and anxieties threaten to overwhelm us, it is then that we must remember to “be still.”

This stillness is not passive but a powerful declaration of faith. It says, “I trust You, God, even when I cannot see the way forward. I believe in Your goodness, even when the situation seems bleak. I rest in Your promises, knowing that You are always faithful.”

Jesus’ Disciples Had To Call On Him When The Storm Arose

Jesus was teaching by the seaside to a multitude of followers. After He finished and the multitude left, He requested that they go to the other side of the sea. While they were on their journey, Jesus went to the back of the ship to rest and was asleep on a pillow.

There arose a great storm of wind, and the disciples became afraid…just like we humans today…

Mark 34: 37-39 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full.

38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 

39 And he arose and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

He is the same Jesus that He was when He was in the ship with His disciples and He can and will calm the fury of the waters.

In these moments of stillness, we find a peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 KJV).

We come to know God not just as a distant Creator but as a loving Father, a faithful friend, and a mighty Savior.


Be still, and know that I am God is a powerful reminder that in the quietness of our souls, God reveals Himself most profoundly. It is in stillness that we find our true strength, our deepest peace, and our greatest hope.

So, when life becomes overwhelming, and the noise of the world drowns out your peace, take a moment to be still. Trust in God’s presence, feel His Spirit, rest in His promises, and know that He is God.

We hope to inspire and encourage reflection on the importance of stillness and trust in God.

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