A Simple And Patient Prayer

A Simple And Patient Prayer

A Simple And Patient Prayer-will help you to immediately feel peaceful…

You can- don’t wait until you are bogged down with grief, a broken heart, or have lost something more precious than your own life…call upon Him now…

Prayer Is An Essential Part of Life – For a Christian

Prayer is essential for me. You do not have to believe as I do, but I know what prayer can do and be for human life. Prayer can get you through the unbearable things that no human can. It may take a while to recover as grief has its own plan. But, I am sure without prayer I would not be where I am today.

You see this Wednesday is my son’s birthday. The 19th of August. He would have been 50 years old.

We were living in Denver and had been there for almost two years when he was born. He was a healthy child at 8.2 1/2 pounds. Beautiful child to his dad and me.

In 2018 our son found out he had cancer. He knew who God was, and he knew he was not living exactly like the principles he knew were right.

However, he knew what to do to make things right within himself and with his creator. Jesus accepted him within the fold and he passed away on January 01, 2019.

When It Is Hard To Pray 

Prayers For Healing 

Often in life, it is sometimes hard to pray and find the words that will bring us deliverance for our needs. We struggle with making sure we are thankful for all things, aware that we are blessed, and know that God is a God who always sees and knows our needs, even before we ask.  Always.

“He does not forget, He is not behind on things, He is not unaware…He is always there.”

Jesus is faithful, loving, and kind, and never wants us to hurt.  The Father did not shed his blood on the cross of Calvary to see us in pain, He was nailed to the cross to set us free, now and forever.

If this is true, then why do we struggle so much with what we might call, everyday things?  There is an old saying, “you can’t get through life alive” and that is so true in more than one sense.
We must have struggles and we are not always on the mountaintop.  All humans go through the valley to know the joy of being on the mountain.  There is not a human who can go through life without having visited the valley.  I love the song which says:  “In the valley, He restoreth my soul.”

He Will Renew Us When We Seek Him 

It is those struggles that we should remember in this passage of scripture that we must have the same confidence that David had when he prayed these words. We must know how to take the word of God at face value. Praying or quoting the scriptures, knowing that God in his own time, will take care of all things, great or small.  Answers are not always when “we,” think they should be.

Sometimes it takes patience, maybe testing our faith, and possibly time to really search our life.  It could be we need to get rid of something in our life that we are not aware of.  Often we feel a burden and it seems no one around us understands.

He understands He knows the very content of our hearts and the heart is what He judges.  Individuals see our actions and sometimes judge us by those.  Yes, we have other scriptures that give us guidance but still, only He knows the heart.

Every human must pray their own prayer.  It doesn’t matter so much the words, however, it is how they are presented to the Father who cares about us.  That only means that our words should be spoken with humility, grace, and faith, not with words that only flatter our ability to pray a prayer that sounds good.

He again knows the heart and He can decipher the meaning of each word as it is spoken from the heart. When Jesus was asked how we should pray in Matthew 6: 9-13; He gave the admonition to pray the Lord’s Prayer…


A Simple And Patient Prayer

“Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts;
as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
 For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever.”  Amen

So, when we can’t find the words and our heart is heavy,  this is the Lord’s suggestion that we pray this prayer. Sometimes the words do not come as we feel so burdened. However, when we don’t have any words we can mutter Jesus’s name. He hears and in His all-knowing mind and mercy, He knows our hearts and soul. He does not need an explanation.

Love and prayers,





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