Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness

What is authentic happiness? 

Does anyone really know? How does one keep authentic happiness within their life? Bunches of questions and only you have the answers for you, however, let us talk about what have known factors for authentic happiness from those who study it continually through positive psychology.

We all have our own interpretation of authentic happiness. Through years of living, we learn more with each decade about ourselves and life and find ways to accelerate happiness.  Therefore, when we finish with this article you can evaluate yourself with an answer from some of this.

What The Experts Say

First, the experts indicate that every living creature needs and must be in the pursuit of the following habits to have authentic happiness. ** We have talked about some of these in a prior article.

  • Gratitude
  • Know your strengths
  • Know your virtues…yes you have virtues.
  • Kindness is essential, without kindness, you will not enjoy the kindness of others.
  • Friends- at least one friend to chat with and share your inner feelings with, without being judged makes for a positive within your authentic happiness pursuit.
  • Spirituality, you do have a spiritual self – the soul… is there; simply remember what you felt when you look at someone you love. The soul is what tells you when you are not making the right choices about your life…..that guilty feeling……the soul is there.
  • Check out your health…do you exercise and eat the right foods. Oh, yes, this is one of those prices of life.  Good health can allow you to live longer while being fit, and elevate your happiness.
  • Attitude – What is your attitude about life in general? Look on the sunny side of life. Disappointments come and wreck our sunshine sometimes, but there is always a sunny side of life to think positively about. Attitude matters. It seems that having a negative attitude will not leave room for authentic happiness. You must see life in a positive way to have, unique, genuine, and authentic happiness.

What Habits Do You Show At Work?

What are your habits at work? Are you friendly, are you positive, do you love sharing your knowledge? Do your actions appear to others as being conceited or arrogant? What do the people you work with see you as, and is it from a positive perspective?

Our habits in life often become undisclosed to us. We forget that we often act out of habit, and often it is not as positive as it should be. This is when we should take a look within.

Knowing Yourself is Important

Do you know yourself and what makes you happy? If so, do you like who you are? Are you everything you say you are or do you live your life without being genuine? Do you go through the motion, act one way at home and another at work or in front of people?

Many people only think they know themselves. It entails a lot of thought to explore who one really is. A person must be capable of being authentic to themselves and be willing to correct that which is indeed wrong. It is very tasking to withstand criticism from within as most of us see ourselves as being okay.

Since the latter is an important part of most issues in life, which includes authentic happiness, we will spend the rest of this article talking about this question. 

Significant Behaviors Of Those Who Need To Look Within

What are some signs of significant behaviors that stand out when someone does not know themselves well? We will give some examples, and I will just make a bet that you have known some of these people before as well.

  • Some individuals have the mind thought they are okay. In addition, they do not care what anyone else thinks. They know any news before you do, and you cannot tell them anything they do not already know; at least in their mind. These people are aggressively out of touch with how they appear to others.

The above individuals are also lacking in self-knowledge, and most of the time would not listen to anyone who tried to help them out.

  • These people want to be first in everything. First in self-praise, first to announce their promotion, first to get the biggest house on the block, first to make a million dollars, first to do everything. They just have to be first. They are special and need to be first.

Being negative, we do not condone; but this is about authenticity, and there are people who need to know themselves better and overcome the foolishness of life so that true authentic happiness can exist within their life.

  • Some individuals cannot stand for others to succeed. They will not give praise or a pat on the back. They are jealous, they envy you, and they will talk about your weaknesses to your back. They do not see the good in anyone but themselves, or someone they must look up to. They are self-absorbed and cannot find it within their character to be humble enough to recognize that someone other than himself or herself can master life.

These individuals are missing something really important, and that is authentic happiness. They will never have authentic happiness until they look within, and then look outside of themselves to gives something of value to another soul. Every soul needs praise. Just three words of…”you’ve got this” could be all another human needs to keep going.

Final Thoughts:

Authentic happiness is about being an authentic person, who knows that regardless of what may come, happiness comes from within. It is also essential to be willing to admit that sometimes even authentic happiness can be over-rated. When life things appear out of the blue, happiness is nowhere in sight.

No One Else Can Make You Happy….. Bottom line, no substitute, no arguing, no excuses, and no lies. If a person cannot be authentic, true to what is right, just, and fair with straightforward accountability, they are not going to have true authentic happiness.

**We will continue the many aspects of authentic happiness and other important issues to get to the wonderful state of true authentic happiness….join us then.

With love, you share honest convictions that will help you to proceed on your journey… Authentic Happiness!

Challenge Yourself To Become Happier

Happy Happiness!

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