A Spiritual Journey-Self-Assessment

A Spiritual Journey-Self-Assessment

A Spiritual Journey- Self-Assessment

A Spiritual Journey  Here – post update 09-18-24

 We are on a Spiritual Journey to the place called Heaven. These articles are to encourage and urge us to look at ourselves closely to see that we are not walking a false path. We are not writing words of accusation, or to be thought of as discouragement. 

Why do we speak about this subject when we are all Christians? We are also all humans, and if we forget some of the small things, we can get into a corner of deceit. It is easy to become delusional and fail because it is what the evil one wants us to do.
Very often we do not see our inward faults, seek to overcome them or understand how they can affect our Spiritual Journey, and we all need Christian Growth.

Spiritual Assessment Of Oneself

These are some of the assessments that I have learned through my spiritual walk…

. Never try to be more than you are in God’s eyes, He looks at the very intent of our hearts.

. Believe that God is looking down •on our behavior, it does not matter what we think others do not see, it is what He sees and knows. 

·Never believe that you are always right, we just might not know something very real.
·Do not downgrade someone else’s ability, someone just might be downgrading yours. 
·Never try to be first in everything, it does not matter what number
  you are, just have a number.
·Do not criticize someone who is longing to be a part of the plan, each
person has needs. Wanting to be a part of God’s business is not a bad
·Never criticize the leaders of the Church, especially the person whom God has sent to lead the Church toward perfection. 
·Don’t underestimate another soul.
·Never find yourself wanting to be higher than someone who is in charge. 
·It is not wise to hope another individual is hurt or reap what they have sown. The Lord is in charge of this matter.
·Try not to look at someone’s faults, we all have faults.  
·Never be on the judge’s bench, that is God’s grandstand.
·It is not wise to be ashamed of being a Christian or your salvation, you can lose it.
·Never take God’s love for granted, He will always love you, but if you do not bear the fruits of a Christian, you will lose your place in the Book of Life.
· Underestimating the power of God is when you need more growth.
· If you think carnal thoughts, never lose faith that His power is all-powerful, and He will forgive. His power is greater than any other power.
·Never think that God does not love you, He died for the sins of the whole world, every human, every race, and culture.
·Do not let your mind wonder why God has not answered your prayers, just keep on praying. As stated in The Word: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 –
·Never let anyone tell you that God is punishing you. No one knows that but God, Himself. He may be helping you learn a lesson about making different choices and you can believe it is for your good. 
·Always be grateful for your abilities, but not overly confident, there is always someone, somewhere who may be more knowledgeable than you.
·Never stop believing in eternal life. “And this is the record, that God hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” 1 John 5:11,  “That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:15.

 A list of the things or  the to-do list to keep us on our Spiritual Journey with faithfulness, the things I have learned: 

·Remember other people have feelings, needs, and desires that are as important as yours. They probably act the way they do for a reason that you know nothing about.  

· Be humble, you are who you are only by the grace of the living God.   

·Go to Church to worship the Father, have fellowship with one another, and sing His praises.

·Reverence the Pastor’s sermon, it could be the last one you hear.

·Remember that no two people think alike and that everyone is probably doing the best they can with what life has given them, if they are not, it is God’s business, not yours.

·Give credit, where credit is due, it could you may need credit at some point.

·Always promote those who have a part in the sanctuary. Meaning those who provide music, and those who share their love for God by using their voice to sing praises. Those who are called upon to teach, and admonish us to live a life pleasing to God.

·Be optimistic about others. We all have to learn certain things in life, our Christian and spiritual journey.

. Always be kind, there is not enough kindness in the world we live in.

·Be gentle, you have probably been fragile at some point.

·Always be without deceit, it is not becoming a child of God.

·Know that gossip is not a fruit of the spirit.

Always be patient with others, you could be in the same situation.

·Prefer your brother or sister in the Lord.·Support and be in unity with your fellow worshipers. Unity cannot exist in confusion, backbiting, judging, and partaking of gossip or idle words. God does not work where there is confusion.  He does not work where there is jealousy. 

·Always remember that we each have our place in the Body of Christ. If we seek to do something other than pray, we should try to develop whatever talent we think we have to do it better. When God is ready for us to use that talent, He will provide the time and place.

·Remember that praying for others is one of the most important callings an individual can have.  Prayer is the key to heaven. Praying for others gives the other blessings but also blesses us.

·Always remember that if there is seemingly nothing else you can do, give your time to promoting.

·Fasting and prayer bring down heaven’s blessing. It makes the individual stronger and more in tune with Jesus Christ, which is something we can do without much practice.

“It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could alone.” Andrew Carnegie
“No one can whistle a symphony; it takes an orchestra to play it.” Halford E. Luccock

·Always remember that God has forgiven your past sins, so why should you remember another person’s?

·See the good in others so that they may see the good in you.

·Always respect another person’s opinion, it may not be as good as yours, but it could be they know something you do not know.

·Take a look at yourself before you take the initiative to embark on a conversation about another soul.

·Always pray for everyone’s wealth and happiness.  The person next to you may be carrying a load you have never carried until you have experienced the same thing, you do not know how you would react

·Remember that God sees the heart and soul of all and He knows the intent. When He judges us, He makes no mistakes.


These are steps that I have to take myself because there is an enemy that everyone has to deal with. That enemy, of course, is Satan. He is on watch waiting for us to make mistakes, wanting us to deviate from what we know is right and take our relationship with Jesus for granted. He wants us to fail.

If we are to thrive in Christ, we must seek Him daily, and try to be more like Him each day, we then will prevail.

How To Go On A Spiritual Journey

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