Monday Motivation Quotes To Help Master Life

Love Your Life Cup

Monday Motivation Quotes to Help Master Life and Make Your Life More Meaningful

Mastering life is not as simple as we would like it to be. We are aware that life is full of lessons and we also know that life is not a game. Mastering life takes a lot of work, human awareness, and human love. 

Your efforts to master life include other people, their actions, and how you react to them as well. It is not all about how you live your life, and that often makes life harder to master.  However, in the end, what it comes down to, it seems, is taking one precaution at a time to know how to move forward with each encounter we face.

So…For This Monday Motivation Quotes To Help Master Life- Encouragement Follows

Don’t forget that…

eggs on tray

“Family is not the most important thing in life; it is everything.” Michael J. Fox

“No amount of money or success can take the place of time spent with your family.” Author Unknown

“Family is where we seek comfort when we feel others have let us down.”  Linda

train track tunnel

“There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Some tunnels just happen to be longer than others.” Ada Adams


Helen Keller Quote Creative Commns Wiki


“When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. “

Alexander Graham Bell

“Be yourself, because everyone else is taken.”

Oscar Wield

“Please don’t let hate infect your heart.”

Montrel Jackson


Believe In Yourself


Life Chats Quotes Roses


Life Chats Do What you Love made


Life Chats Stand Like Mountain
                                                                       Graphic Life Faith Truth – Photo Pixabay


Life Chats Real Not Perfect
                                                                                            Photo Pixabay 


Authentic Happiness Happiness Bug me
                                                          Photo by Pixabay by Life Faith Truth 


Laugh motivational Pixabay
                                                                                            Photo by Pixabay

“Never let yesterday affect your today, and give someone a smile.” Life Chats

person standing on brown concrete building during daytime

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. Strength comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t do.” Unknown

“Balance in life will keep your mind set on the most important goals. If you have too many irons in the fire, you will not be successful with anything because you will not be able to get all of them completed properly.”

“Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself.”

“Don’t listen to defeating thoughts, repeat after me; I will, I can, and I am.”

“Like the Passion Flower, be authentic, be real, and be everything you can be with all the passion you can muster.”  Life Chats

passion flower 690464 1280

“Sometimes life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Life's Journey - Balance

“Balance is not something you find, it is something you create.”


“If you always tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything.” Mark Twain

“Believe you can, and you are half-way there.” Theodore Roosevelt

When Life Turns a Page

acceptance no change

09 mindset

Laugh and Be Happy

The Secret to Happiness and Success in Today's World: the Pursuit of the Mind & Body




“Check yourself reflection and make sure it is what you think it is.”

“Never kid yourself into thinking that you are so good that you never have to get a checkup every now and then.” 

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“Success is a lousy teacher, it suduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”  Bill Gates

“Success is like most things in life; it is often overrated and it is not determined by the person who is explaining what it is. It is somewhat different for everyone and though there are many rules…you can’t always follow other people’s directions.”

No Royal Roads

Mastering Life –Self-Mastery

“Mastering life is like every thing in life; dwelling on trying to make your life to be bigger, better, and more powerful than others will only deminish what you have done and it’s meaning.”

Living One Moment At a Time

Monday Motivational Quotes To Help You Master Life

“Real life unfolds “one moment at a time.”

Think about it, live by it, and place your thoughts to living joyfully in the moment in which you are. You are not promised of anything outside of that really. So you are wasting your precious trying to put it all in the moment.




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