God Is The Repairman-He Is In Control

God Is The Repairman He Is In Control

You should always remember that God Is The Repairman- He Is In Control –

Original Post from 2016 updated 11-1-21

I am often amazed by how God changes things for our good even though we do not see it at the time. I keep wondering why I put myself through the thinking process of how ‘I’ am going to handle things when I do not have any control over them, one way or the other. Why do I? What I know for sure, as Oprah states things…God Is The Repairman-He Is In Control.

Is this you? Are you trying to be your repairman? God is the repairman and He is in control of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Don’t let anyone fool you.

In my first life, (the one where Mom & Dad had control) I simply thought that God i.e. Jesus would do anything we wanted or needed Him to do. A little naïve, because what we think we need/want is often what God knows we do not need. God said he would supply our needs, and our needs are those things, which are essential to living.

In the Psalms, the 37th Chapter 25th verse:

“I have been young, and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

Neither the above scripture nor any of the scriptures relating to what God will do for us mean that He will give us all of what we want. At other times he will often allow us to have our wants and then teach us that sometimes our wants are not what we actually needed. He will supply what we need, if we are doing everything we know to do that is right, just, and by the Word.

Having Faith In The Repairman During This Pandemic

I realize that those individuals who are without a job, cannot provide for the family, pay their mortgage payment or rent, feel helpless. All people can pray for every soul who is in need. I cannot change anything for anyone, but possibly my prayers will reach the higher power who can change everything.

What has changed in our life that we are lacking in the ability to believe that Christ can do and will do those things, according to our needs? He does not give false hope.

We are often more dependent upon the repairman (our own abilities), and less dependent on the Lord for these kinds of things, right? Some of us are more independent in our decision-making, right? At least it appears that way.  Why?

I think we feel a little silly to ask the Lord to help the washing machine work as mama did, or the car to start.  We dare not say that out loud as we are afraid we will be looked upon as being too religious, too silly, or too unrealistic.   In personal life concerns, we have a tendency to think we know what is best for us. What we forget is that we cannot know or see the results, as God does.

What Can We Learn From The Pandemic

Most of us can agree that in this day and age, we do not put our total trust in the Lord like we used to.  You remember how it was years ago when wages were not as high, and economics were totally different. It seemed we trusted in the Father much more. Have we become too independent? Is this pandemic going to help us see just how helpless we are without a Divine Power? It has been written that some Christians believe that just maybe at this point in our history the world will join in more unity and dependence on Christ.

If it was a very important issue or a little bump in the road, we knew we could not and would not make it without God Almighty. When a crisis hits, we hit the floor on our knees. Now, we try to figure out how we can work it out, rebuild the situation, or make it go away.

Sometimes we work it out, it ends okay, and then sometimes it does not turn out the way we expected. When the latter occurs, it means we missed a point or part of the equation. That necessary part to make the idea, the solution, the bottom line, the conclusion, and the end, acceptable for a full recovery.  This is when we realize we should have consulted the Father, who knows everything.

If We Are Fully Living in Christ

We should start with Jesus running the show, us following the format outlined by Him. Make sure we try not to intervene with our own need to be the one to fix it. While making sure we have prayed enough for the right outcome. Whether we like it or not.

I, myself have failed at this often.  I am a fix-it person.  I want to fix it, make it right, have an ending sooner rather than later, and have a hard time waiting on the Lord. I wanted to be the repairman.  This has gotten me into too many battles and wounded my spirit too many times.

When We Fail As Our Repairman

I have failed as the repairman many times. Why?  I did not take the time to pray, learn what God wanted, or wait long enough to see Him manifest Himself to me. In fact, there were times when I was not living so that God would answer my prayer.

I often made decisions, right or wrong, lasting, or only for the short term, I took control. I have also been rewarded the prize or consequences should we say, of making my own decisions. Those that were just not the right fix for my carnal ways.

When we are living a life pleasing to God, most of us can tell when and if God is in something.  How?  From my experience, it is a sweet peaceful feeling in the soul. The feeling along with evidence (sometimes or eventually) that things are on the mend from a God who is in control.

When We Let God Have Control

When we leave it to the Father, the all-knowing repairman who knows what is best, it will always work out for the best. Will it necessarily be what we want, or even what we think we need? No, not always, but if it is from God, it will not cause us harm, regret, or sin.

“The harm comes when we make our own decisions without consideration from the Father. Unless of course He, The Father is letting us run our course.  He will do that occasionally.”

I have experienced changes in my life that I made, based on what I thought was right. Yes, sometimes it felt good, but it felt that way because I was seeking self-satisfaction and not God’s will. In the end, looking back on some of my decisions, I now know differently.

The thoughts for this post are…

God does not make mistakes, His ways are not our ways, and He sees the future, we do not. He wants us to trust Him for “all things,” and provides the method to do so. In “The Word of God.”

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him; and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6 (KJV).

“Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him He heareth.” John 9:31 (KJV) *only the pray of repentance does He hear from the sinner. When the sinner repents, he will then hear his cry.

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